Meeting to sign MOU with JCI

Community engagement to boost Digital Skills of future employees

JCI Ghana supports RecellGhana Computerlabs to offer Free Computerlabs to Schools

On September 29th, 2023, Junior Chamber International (JCI) Ghana and RecellGhana Computerlabs announced their collaboration to provide free Computerlabs to schools in Ghana. The primary objective of this partnership is to help schools where children of JCI members go to, raise awareness and funds for digital skills development.


JCI Ghana is a community-based organization of young active citizens aged 18-40 who are engaged and committed to creating an impact in their communities. JCI Ghana recognizes the need to mobilize society to boost the digital skills of students nationwide. 


RecellGhana Computerlabs is a social enterprise founded by Nana Moses Aidoo (RecellGhana LTD) and Hanc de Bokx (1A Computerlabs) to partner with schools in Ghana to boost the digital skills of students. RecellGhana Computerlabs has adopted the Computerlab-as-a-Service model from the co-founder from the Netherlands. This service model includes a fully equipped free Computerlab that can be used as part of the long-term partnership, taking away the need for an investment for a computer lab. 


Currently, only 12% of 15-24-year-olds have basic computer skills, according to research by MICS-EAGLE in 2020, which makes it challenging for graduates to find jobs in today’s job market. Especially knowledge-intensive jobs in business, government, and at startups require people with digital skills. To support schools in delivering digital skills education long-term, Computerlabs-as-a-Service includes all services imaginable to deliver modern computer-based education for an affordable fee.


Joint activities to mobilize funding with Schools

Many schools, especially public schools, cannot easily afford the regular service fee to use Computerlab-as-a-Service, which is otherwise quite affordable. To help these schools, JCI Ghana has come forward to mobilize its members. They aim to raise awareness among JCI members about the potential for partnerships between schools and RecellGhana Computerlabs to improve computer-based education. The activities will include identifying schools interested in using Computerlabs, developing and executing fundraising programs, and seeking support from businesses, NGOs, churches, communities, families, and other organizations. Additionally, they will help schools raise funds through fundraising or sponsorship approaches.


During their meeting at JCI Ghana headquarters in Accra, the President of JCI and the Executive Director of RecellGhana Computerlabs reaffirmed their commitment to helping the current generation of students keep pace with the ever-evolving digital world. To bridge the technology gap in education, society must support schools in gathering resources to make Digital Skills education an integral part of our children’s learning journey.

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