
Celebrating Success: Highlights from our Grand Opening

Adjiringanor, Accra, 19 March 2024 – The grand opening of RecellGhana Computerlabs’ new office space was an unforgettable celebration, marked by moments of joy, excitement, and anticipation. 

Our Startup leader (Brianna Dika) MC’d this unforgettable event. She welcomed our guests after an opening prayer and introduced the RecellGhana Computerlabs team to all guests. She also gave an overview of the company’s mission and vision. We welcomed our Guest Speaker of the day, Mrs Barbara Wallington, who shared her life story on how she was impacted by her education, lessons she learnt along the way and the resources and opportunities she seized. Mr Nana Yaw Tettey, The Headmaster for one of our partner schools (Acropolis Maranatha Academy), also shared with us the school’s experience with our Computerlab and their vision for the partnership with us. Brianna took the audience on an interactive journey of our services to schools ambitious to implement computer-based education and what makes us stand out.

Youth Ambassador Tyrone Marhguy unveiled

The excitement of our event was heightened when our Youth Ambassador, in the person of Tyrone Iras Marhguy, was unveiled, with our Executive Director handing over a laptop to him. This branded laptop will enable Tyrone’s to promote Digital Literacy in Ghana. He shared a few words about his excitement to join the RecellGhana Computerlabs family. The team with the Youth Ambassador cut the ribbon to our new office location at Adjiringanor.

All guests were offered the opportunity to go on an exclusive office tour. The tour ended at the in-house Computerlab, where our technical officer, Daniel Toah Akonnor, took our guests through a demonstration. Furthermore, our Client relations officer, Aisha Mohammed, answered all questions posed by our guests to their satisfaction. Guests were refreshed with an assortment of delicious drinks and forged meaningful connections with fellow attendees, after which the closing remarks were given by our Executive Director, Mr Hanc de Bokx. The Grand Opening ended with a closing prayer by one of our partners, Rev Nat Mensah of Empac Ghana

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