RGC team expanded through cooperation with Empac Ghana to promote computer-based education for schools in Ghana

Empac for More Impact on Computer-based education for schools

We are thrilled to announce that we have formed a strategic partnership with Empac Ghana, a leading company in the ICT sector, to expand our reach and impact in providing computer-based education to schools in Ghana. This is a great opportunity for us to work together with a like-minded and experienced partner who shares our vision of empowering learners with digital literacy skills.

Empac Ghana, founded by Nat Mensah and Robert Knox, is a reputable and reliable provider of security and fire control systems for the ICT industry in the Greater Accra region. They have a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the ICT industry and a strong network of contacts and clients. They also have a passion for education and social development, and they recognise the importance of equipping the next generation of Ghanaian talents with the necessary ICT skills to thrive in the 21st century.

That is why they have decided to join forces with us, RecellGhana Computerlabs, a social enterprise that offers a comprehensive Computerlab-as-a-Service to implement computer-based education for schools in Ghana. Our innovative and affordable solution enables schools to provide real ICT skills training to their students without upfront costs. We take care of everything, from installing and maintaining the computer lab, to providing the training of teachers, connecting it to internet and to monitoring and evaluating the learning outcomes. Our goal is to promote digital literacy, improve learning experiences, and bridge the technology gap for learners across Ghana.

Implementing Computer-based education for Schools in Ghana

Together, Empac Ghana and RecellGhana Computerlabs will work to reach more schools and more students with our Computerlab-as-a-Service. Empac Ghana will act as our liaison and promoter, connecting us with School Leaders and their stakeholders, such as Parent Teacher Associations and School Management Boards. We will collaborate closely with them to ensure the growth and sustainability of our partnership and our impact.

We are very excited about this new chapter in our journey and we look forward to working with Empac Ghana to make a positive difference in the lives of many Ghanaian learners. We believe that together, we can help schools implement computer-based education for all in the coming years, and contribute to a higher level of development, more opportunities, and a better future for the Ghanaian population.

We warmly welcome Nat and Robert to our new office in Adjiringanor, Accra, where we had a fruitful meeting last Wednesday. We are confident that this partnership will be a fruitful and rewarding one for both parties, and most importantly, for the learners we serve.

If you are interested in learning more about our Computerlab-as-a-Service, or if you want to join us as a partner, or a sponsor, please visit our website or contact us. We would love to hear from you and explore how we can work together to achieve our mission.

Thank you for your support and stay tuned for more updates from us!

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