Presbyterian School, Nsawam Central

One of our early partner schools is the Presbyterian School (Basic & JHS) in Nsawam Central. Nsawam is the capital city of a district in the Eastern Region of Ghana, and it is about an hour away from Accra by car. While searching for schools in Nsawam, we met Honourable Frank Annoh-Dompreh, a politician and Member of Parliament (MP) for the area who is passionate about education. He wants to help students learn more about computers and technology. He showed us some schools that he could support with funding to pay for our services. This school is one of those schools that could benefit from our Computerlab-as-a-Service solution for implementing digital skills attainment in education.

Although Ghana has already implemented the mandatory Nation ICT curriculum since 2008, digital skills attainment remains at challenging low levels of 6% with JHS students** because of the lack of proper facilities at schools. RecellGhana Computerlabs has been setup to fix just that. With our Computerlabs with related continuous services and internet offers the best facility schools need for their students to become computer savvy.

Luckily the Presbyterian School had already prepared a room for a ICT lab in the cellar of their newly build extension when we arrived to install one of our Computerlabs. We were welcomed by the headmaster, ICT teachers and children. They all helped to offload the computers and other hardware. The school had put proper chairs and desks in the room, so we could immediately start with the installation of our Computerlab. The next day we trained the teachers to effectively use our Computerlab and take good care of it, as if it were their own. Part of the training is a 30-minute lesson with students from the school, which proved once more a great experience for us to see the children enjoying their first class with computers.

After the handover with representatives of the school, the sponsor and Ghana Education Services, we went back to the office. But off course our service had only just started, we keep working with the school on maintenance and education through our helpdesk and regular maintenance service. If something breaks, we fix or replace it. When teachers want to teach something new we help look for the legitimate software for that. Our service never ends, because our partnership should last for ever.

Sponsor: District Assembly Nsawam-Adoagyire, Hon Frank Annoh-Dompreh

This develoPPP Project is co-financed by DEG from public funds of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

** Statistic derived from the ‘Ghana Education Fact Sheet 2020’ from MICS-EAGLE
