Methodist Basic School, Nsawam

We are thrilled to be working with our first partner school in Nsawam, a city in Ghana with a population of 30,000 people. Nsawam is the capital city of a district in the Eastern Region of Ghana, and it is about an hour away from Accra by car. While searching for schools in Nsawam, we met Honourable Frank Annoh-Dompreh, a politician and Member of Parliament (MP) for the area who is passionate about education. He wants to help students learn more about computers and technology. He showed us some schools that he could support with funding to pay for our services. One of the schools was the Methodist Basic School, which is part of a large complex surrounding the Nsawam Central Methodist Church. This school already had a room designated for a computer lab, but they did not have any working computers. They used to have one donated computer system, but it broke down and they could not repair it. They wanted to have new computers so that they could teach the students how to use them, especially the older ones (B5 and B6).

The school agreed to collaborate with us and the MP under our Computerlab-as-a-Service deal, which means that they don’t have to purchase any computers or software from us. We provided them with one of our Computerlabs and will take care of everything for five years. The school only had to make a slight modification to their electrical network to ensure that the Computerlab had its own power supply. We set up our first Computerlab at the Methodist Basic School in Nsawam on August 31st, 2021, and trained the teachers on how to use it. Our Computerlab has all the essential software needed to teach the National ICT Curriculum of Ghana. As ICT coordinator Joseph Mac Forson said, ‘It is a true blessing that I can now use computers to teach ICT, some children have not even seen a real computer in their life yet’.  The best part for us was seeing the children enjoy their first lessons with our computers. They were so excited and curious.

If this first experience is exemplary for other schools in Ghana, we can be sure the mission of our social enterprise to unlock digital skills for youth in Ghana, will be accomplished. We are convinced our solution for digital literacy in this school can lead to higher order thinking skills, provide creative and individualized options for students to express their understandings, and leave students better prepared to deal with ongoing technological change in society and the workplace in the near future.

In the media:

Sponsor: District Assembly Nsawam-Adoagyire, Hon Frank Annoh-Dompreh

This develoPPP Project is co-financed by DEG from public funds of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
