Adoagyiri Methodist School

How Adoagyiri Methodist School was able to acquire a Computerlab

Adoagyiri Methodist School is a public school located in Nsawam Adoagyiri District of Eastern Region, Ghana. The school was established in 1960 and has over 500 students enrolled. The school is one of the beneficiaries of RecellGhana Computerlabs, a social enterprise that provides Computerlabs-as-a-Service to schools in Ghana.

RecellGhana Computerlabs aims to bridge the digital divide in Ghana by providing high-quality computers, internet, and maintenance services at an affordable price. The Computerlabs are designed to support the teaching and learning of the National ICT Curriculum, which covers topics such as word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, email, and internet.

The school received its Computerlab in 2021, thanks to the sponsorship of the Member of Parliament for Nsawam, Hon Frank Annoh-Dompreh. The MP expressed great interest in changing the educational direction of the municipality and improving the performance of students. He also sponsored the opening of Computerlabs in a few other schools in his constituency in 2021 and 2022.

The Computerlab at Adoagyiri Methodist School is equipped with 21 desktop stations, a server with UPS, and a high-speed internet connection. The Computerlab is primarily used for teaching the Ghana National ICT curriculum, which is mandatory for all students from primary to junior high school. The curriculum aims to equip students with basic digital skills and prepare them for the electives on databases and coding at the senior high school level.

The school has dedicated ICT teachers who use the Computerlab to conduct practical lessons and assessments for the students. The teachers also use the internet to access online resources and platforms that enhance the learning experience. The students are able to practice and apply what they learn in the classroom using the computers and the internet. The students also enjoy using the Computerlab for extracurricular activities such as playing educational games, browsing the web, and creating their own projects.

The school administration and the parents are happy with the impact of the Computerlab on the students’ academic performance and motivation. The school has reported an improvement in the students’ ICT grades and overall results. The parents have also noticed a positive change in their children’s attitude and interest in learning. The school hopes to continue using the Computerlab to achieve its vision of producing well-rounded and digitally literate students who can compete in the global market.

RecellGhana Computerlabs is proud to partner with Adoagyiri Methodist School and other schools in Ghana to provide them with the best facility they need for their students to become computer savvy. We believe our solution for digital literacy in these schools can lead to higher order thinking skills, provide creative and individualized options for students to express their understandings, and leave students better prepared to deal with ongoing technological change in society and the workplace in the near future.

If you are interested in learning more about RecellGhana Computerlabs and how we can help your school, please visit our website []

News article Peace FM online

Sponsor District Assembly Nsawam-Adoagyire, Hon Frank Annoh-Dompreh

This develoPPP Project is co-financed by DEG from public funds of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
