Acropolis Maranatha Academy, Pokuasi, Accra

How Acropolis Maranatha School is using RecellGhana Computerlabs to teach the National ICT Curriculum

Acropolis Maranatha School is a private school in Pokuasi, Greater Accra, that was founded in October 1992 by Dr. Ghanem. The school has a vision to provide quality education to its students and prepare them for the challenges of the 21st century. As part of its gradual development, the school established a Computerlab in August 2022 with the help of RecellGhana Computerlabs, a social enterprise that provides Computerlabs-as-a-Service to schools in Ghana.

RecellGhana Computerlabs is a solution that enables schools to access high-quality computers, internet, and maintenance services at an affordable price. Each Computerlab is equipped with 21 desktop stations, a server with UPS, and a high-speed internet connection. The Computerlab is designed to support the teaching and learning of the National ICT Curriculum, which covers topics such as word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, internet, and coding.

The National ICT Curriculum is a mandatory curriculum that was implemented in Ghana since 2008. It aims to equip students with the basic digital skills and competencies that are essential for living and working in the modern world. The curriculum also offers electives on databases and coding, which allow students to explore more advanced and creative aspects of ICT.

Acropolis Maranatha School is one of the schools that is using RecellGhana Computerlabs to teach the National ICT Curriculum to its students. The school has integrated the Computerlab into its regular timetable and has assigned qualified teachers to facilitate the ICT lessons. The school has also organized extra-curricular activities such as ICT clubs and competitions to motivate and challenge the students.

The school has reported positive outcomes from using RecellGhana Computerlabs. The students have shown increased interest and engagement in ICT and have improved their digital skills and knowledge. The teachers have also benefited from the Computerlab, as they have access to a variety of online resources and tools that enhance their teaching methods and professional development.

Acropolis Maranatha School is an example of how RecellGhana Computerlabs can help schools in Ghana to implement the National ICT Curriculum effectively and efficiently. By using our Computerlabs, schools can provide their students with the best facility they need to become computer savvy and ready for the future. We believe that our solution for digital literacy can lead to higher order thinking skills, provide creative and individualized options for students to express their understandings, and leave students better prepared to deal with ongoing technological change in society and the workplace.



This develoPPP Project is co-financed by DEG from public funds of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
