Damongo SHS

How Damongo Senior High School is Enhancing ICT Education with Two Computerlabs from RecellGhana

Damongo is a town and the capital of West Gonja District, a district in the Savannah Region of northern Ghana. It is a major center of tourism, culture, and commerce in the region. It is also home to the Damongo Senior High School, one of the oldest and most prestigious secondary schools in northern Ghana.

Damongo Senior High School has a vision to provide quality education for its students and prepare them for the challenges of the 21st century. However, one of the major challenges that the school faced was the lack of adequate ICT facilities for its students. Although Ghana has already implemented the mandatory Nation ICT curriculum since 2008, digital skills attainment remains at challenging low levels of 12% for 15-24-year-olds** because of the lack of proper facilities at schools.

RecellGhana Computerlabs is a social enterprise that aims to provide sustainable and affordable computer labs for schools and communities in Ghana. With their Computerlabs-as-a-Service agreement, they take care of everything from installation to maintenance and internet connection of the labs. They also provide training to teachers and students on how to effectively use the labs. By doing so, RecellGhana Computerlabs is helping bridge the digital divide in Ghana and empowering the next generation with the necessary skills to succeed in the digital world.

RecellGhana Computerlabs visited Damongo Senior High School and saw the need for ICT facilities in the school. The company marketed its solution and the school received sponsorship from the Old Student Association to obtain two Computerlabs from RecellGhana. The Old Student Association was impressed by the work of RecellGhana and its impact on ICT education in Ghana.

The two Computerlabs were installed in the school and were handed over to the school in a grand ceremony. The ceremony was attended by the representatives of the Old Student Association, the District Chief Executive, the Regional Director of Education, the Headmaster of the school, and the staff and students of the school. The ceremony also featured a cultural display by the students and the enstoolment of the Chief Technology Officer and Finance Director of RecellGhana Computerlabs as chiefs by the traditional authorities of Damongo.

The two Computerlabs are equipped with 42 desktop stations and a high-speed internet connection. The Computerlabs are primarily used for teaching the Ghana National ICT curriculum, including the electives on Design, Database, and Coding.

To ensure the effective use of the Computerlabs, RecellGhana Computerlabs trained two ICT teachers from the school on how to integrate ICT into their lessons. The teachers also received manuals to guide them in delivering the ICT curriculum with the remotely managed Computerlabs. The training was conducted by the trainers of RecellGhana Computerlabs. The names of the ICT teachers are Techie Solomon Sule and Adam Abdul Gafaru.

The two Computerlabs have been a great asset for Damongo Senior High School, according to the feedback from the teachers and students. The teachers reported that our Computerlabs have improved their teaching methods and increased their students’ performance in ICT. The students said that the Computerlabs have made learning ICT more enjoyable and practical and that they have developed new skills and interests in ICT.

The two Computerlabs at Damongo Senior High School are a testament to how RecellGhana Computerlabs is enhancing ICT education in Ghana. By providing affordable and sustainable computer labs for schools and communities, RecellGhana Computerlabs is helping to bridge the digital divide and empower the next generation of digital citizens. Together, we can achieve the country’s goal of attaining higher levels of digital literacy.

**Statistic derived from the ‘Ghana Education Fact Sheet
2020’ from MICS-EAGLE

Sponsor: Old Student Association Damongo SHS

This develoPPP Project is co-financed by DEG from public funds of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
